Bible Bible Study Material Bible Topics Jesus Others

Is it compulsory to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost?

What do you think that is it necessary to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit? Yes, it is compulsory to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. God strongly commanded the importance of baptism. Even Jesus Christ got baptized. Here, we can see […]

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Bible Study Material Bible Topics Jesus

In the Book of John Where Jesus claims to be the bread of life and others

1. I am the bread of life. (john 6:48) 2. I am the light of the world. (John 8:12) 3. I am the door of the sheep. (John 10:7) 4. I am the good shepherd. (John 10:11) 5. I am the resurrection and the life. (John 11:25) 6. I am the way, the truth, and […]

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Bible Jesus Others

How to Break Curse from our lives

The Curse is the Solemn invocation of divine wrath on a person or thing. A word that intends to harm. According to the Bible, what curse is? The Curse is mentioned in (Genesis 3:17-19) Then, the God said to a man, “I commanded you not to eat from that tree of knowledge. But you listened to your […]

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Bible Jesus

Who will Bring me to The Fortified City

The biggest hope for a person who is saved by the holy blood of Jesus Christ is about life after death. He who believes that after his death he is going to a heavenly city i.e. Heavenly Zion or New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:1, 2). Jesus Christ had given us a permission to enter into this […]

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Bible Jesus

The second coming of Christ in Old and New Testament

In our preceding column, we have learned that what will occur when Jesus comes. While we gaze into old and new testament scriptures, we get a foretaste or resemblance of the Second Coming of Christ. In the New Testament second, coming is a reality, and in the old, it’s an over the shadow of what […]

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Bible Bible Study Material Bible Topics Jesus Love of GOD Others

God’s Great Plan

Omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent almighty and supernatural Lord, Who created everything from nothing, was well known with the falling of man into sin before his creation. In the greatest plan of our Lord, Lord has created the man to dwell with him in worship and to rule over the world and all the creatures in the […]

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Bible Bible Study Material Bible Topics Jesus Love of GOD Others

What is agape love in the Bible

What is Agape love in the Bible that is the first ever question comes to our mind? So, this is an effort of mine to explain what is Agape love in the Bible. Agape as an unconditional love  Agape is a Greek word which means love (unconditional love). The greatest love for mankind that God […]

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Bible Bible Study Material Bible Topics Jesus Others

Father Son and Holy spirit are one

The only question which confuses many people is that “we have three Gods or one God in all?” as we see the Bible, Father Son, and Holy Spirit are one, they came at different times and in different style but their purpose was the same that all humans live in Holiness and away from the […]

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Bible Study Material Bible Topics Jesus Others

Jesus is more than a Prophet

Jesus is a prophet for Jews, but Jesus is not a prophet for world or Christians. If we go according to the Bible than many have called Jesus a prophet that is because the Bible was written for Jews and they believe in one God. In the New Testament (Acts 3:22-23) “Moses said that to […]

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Bible Bible Study Material Bible Topics Jesus Others

Christ the new Adam

Well, we all know about the Adam, the first person on earth to whom God created with his hands and in his own image. The word “Adam” is a Hebrew word translated as Man and the word “Adam” occurs 560 times in the bible. In (Luke 3:38) it’s written that Adam was the son of […]

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