Who will Bring me to The Fortified City
Bible Jesus

Who will Bring me to The Fortified City

fortified city

The biggest hope for a person who is saved by the holy blood of Jesus Christ is about life after death. He who believes that after his death he is going to a heavenly city i.e. Heavenly Zion or New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:1, 2). Jesus Christ had given us a permission to enter into this heavenly fortified city by his Calvary sacrifice that is what the Bible says about “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son (Jesus), that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John. 3:16) as an example all the humanity was in the bondage of sin but Jesus by his Calvary crucifixion has set free all humans from the bondage of sin and gave us a chance to enter into that heavenly life. He has already made the way clear we don’t have to do anything special to achieve that heaven. We have to just believe in his holy blood that the Jesus Died for me resurrected and went to heaven and his holy blood can wash away my all sins. His blood has the power and authority to cleanse our sins.  My brothers and sisters whoever reading this passage. Are you washed in the blood of the Jesus Christ?

His blood has already given the permission to enter into the heavenly kingdom but that is not enough if we are living in this world as a child of Jesus Christ we have to follow the ways that Jesus has taught us then only we are allowed to enter into that kingdom. Let us study together what are the things as a Christian we have to follow while living in this pleasurable world if we follow these things the God will bless us in this world and the coming world.

  1. Holiness (Romans. 12:1):-

Our God is holy and pure. He has no Sins, and he is a complete God. Our God cannot compromise with his holiness. In the scripture, it says like this “I have taken the oath in the name of my holiness” but the creature of God Almighty, The Man is worshipping him in Impurity, Sins, and other immoralities. When God dwells in holiness the man is dwelling in Sins when God loves Holiness and Purity, the man loves impurity and Sins. We cannot make him happy if we are not Holy and Pure, God cannot answer our prayers, and he cannot bless us. Impurity and Sins are the main factors which take us away from the almighty. (Isaiah. 59:2)

Holiness is a nature of God, and if someone is living and leading his life in holiness, he is having a nature of God. If we are living in impurity and sins, we are rebelling against God and his commandments then how will we please the God? And how we will be blessed? Because impurity produces sins and Bible says “God doesn’t hear the prayer of a Sinner (John. 9:31)”.If you intake Alcohol, If you smoke, if you commit adultery, if you are worshipping idols, if you are leading your footstep in the ways of unrighteous, If you steal, if you rebuke someone, if you lie how can you please the God. He will not bless you instead you will get the curse from him because God is a consuming fire (Hebrew. If you are reading this passage, my brother and sister evaluate yourselves.

Maybe you are saved by the blood of Jesus or if you are not yet saved! If your life in not pure and holy you cannot make the almighty happy that is why the bible says.

“You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you. And when you see a thief, you join with him; you throw in your lot with adulterers. Because you use your mouth for evil and harness your tongue to deceit. And you speak continually against your brother and slander your own mother’s son. These things you had done and I kept silent; you thought I was altogether like you. But I will rebuke and accuse you to your face. Consider this, you who forgot God, or I will tear you to pieces, with none to rescue. (Psalms.50:17-22).”

The same scripture says, “He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares a way so that I may show him the salvation of God. (Psalms.50:23)”

  1. Separations (1 John.2:15-17):-

Our God is a supernatural God, and from the supernatural, naturally came. Humans are naturals. God is separated from us with the same quality that he is supernatural. In the ages, our God has set separation through his holiness, purity, and his greatness. In the same way, God has separated his people Israelis from all other Gentiles. God was very strict in taking care of Israel. Israel should be his people, and he should be the one and only God of Israel that is why God has separated Israel from his own people for centuries. But due to the disobedience and pride of Israelis, they have mixed up many times with other Gentiles and cast away from the Lord’s presence and became slaves for many decades and curse came upon them.

God was very strict to one thing, if he chose Israel as his own people, then they should walk the path shown by the Lord Almighty, and they should obey the commandment of the God. He wanted to halt his name through Israel in front of other Gentiles. God has a great plan for mankind; he wanted to send Jesus the savior of mankind through Israel. God has fulfilled the promises to the mankind by sending his begotten son to the world from the Israel.

In the same way, God wanted a separation for us from other Gentiles. Because he wanted to halt the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and his scarification on the Calvary through our churches and us. I have seen many people who were having two faces. One when they came to churches they are very spiritual, and when they enter into the world, they are doing all evil things of this world. My brothers and sisters, please leave this kind of nature, or you will be punished.  We shouldn’t be having two faces. We must be a spiritual people.

  1. Indwelling in Christ (Colossians. 2:6):-

The main purpose of human creation was for the indwelling with the God. But the man lost his indwelling with God because of his sins. But Jesus has again given us a chance to indwell with the Lord by his blood. If anyone doesn’t have a relation with God, he cannot lead a victorious Christian life. When we indwell with Lord, we are in the special care and protection of God (Job. 1:10). In that hedge protection is there, God’s care is there, and Satan can’t break that hedge or attack us but when we stop or cast away from the relation and wellness with Lord we came out from hedge, and we will be Satan’s world and due to that Satan many times attack us, and he destroys our Christian life, and we became slave of Satan’s bondage.

In some homes and some people their problem never ends, they are always sick, some people are facing the financial crisis, some people commit suicide. My brothers and sister Jesus is the only solution for all your problems. He can set you free. You start a relation with Jesus and start living your life with him he will make your life very happy.

God wants a relationship and dwells with you. Are you ready? The Almighty wants to give you a hand are you ready to shake hands with him? Yes, today is the day. Let all decide I will live and lead my life in holiness, separation, and wellness with Lord Jesus Christ. Satan has no authority in me. Take a decision today because tomorrow is not yours.

Who will bring me to the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom? Ps. 60:9. The almighty Jesus will lead you to the fortified city the New Jerusalem, but the question is you ready to follow him.

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